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Thinking About Consulting as a Career? Here are some Resources.

From the TGP internship page you'll see that there are a variety of careers TGP students navigate towards. Consulting, particularly life sciences consulting, is a growing space and offers recent graduates opportunities to gain useful skills in business strategy, management and leadership. TGP students interested in this field tend to do internships in local consulting firms. Below are a few tips to help you start your journey!

Tip #1 - Join the Harvard GSAS Consulting Group

They have great resources and workshops to help you prep for interviews and network with top consulting companies.

Tip #2 - Look up the best consulting firms in the field you're interested in.

This is particularly helpful when sending in job applications. Many life sciences consulting companies are considered boutique.

Tip #3 - Get to know your field better!

For biotech and biopharma it is good to keep up to date with this rapidly changing field. There are several great resources listed here to help you.

Tip #4 - Mix it up: Listen to podcasts on your commute to campus.

The Data Pulse is a hosted by Harvard's Anika Gupta and covers really interesting topics!

Harvard Data Science Review podcast is another option.

Tip #5 - Talk to Peers and Alumni

TGP students have access to a wonderful alumni group, career coaching, and peers. Reach out to your peers on the TGP slack channel, come to social events and network at the TGP symposium and paracurricular activities.

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